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About Ashley Cantley

Ashley Cantley

Ashley Cantley

Staff Writer, New American Funding

Ashley is a staff writer at New American Funding. She brings two decades of experience to her role at NAF, having written scripts for Emmy Award-winning television shows, a best-selling book published by Workman, entertainment articles and personal essays for major national magazines, and TV commercial campaigns for well-known home brands.

Posts by Ashley Cantley

Making a House a Home Using NAF Concierge

NAF Concierge is a streamlined process designed to alleviate the stresses of moving into a new home.

Women's History in Homebuying and The New Trailblazers

Today, we celebrate the triumph of women becoming the largest sector of homeowners compared to single men. According to The Pew Research Center, single women owned 58% of the nearly 35.2 million homes owned by unmarried Americans, while single men held 42%.

How to Get Approved for a Home Loan

Obtaining a home loan is a crucial step towards achieving your homeownership goals. While the process may seem complex, we're here to provide you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate it confidently.

First-Time Homebuyer Myths

There are many myths and misconceptions about buying a home that can prevent people from taking the plunge. In this article, we'll debunk six common myths about buying a home.

Creative Ways to Save For Homeownership

Are you dreaming of owning a home but feel that it’s financially out of reach? Don't give up just yet! There are several creative ways to save for homeownership.

Opening Doors to Homeownership: Expanding Opportunities with Pathway Plus

The Pathway to Homeownership initiative by New American Funding (NAF) has expanded to reach new markets, making the American Dream of homeownership more attainable for more people.

NAF Heroes: Supporting Military Families

New American Funding's NAF Heroes initiative stands as a shining example of commitment and support, a testament to the resilience and hope that define the American spirit.

Cash-Out Refinance vs. Home Equity Line of Credit: Choosing The Right One

Ultimately, the decision between a Cash-Out Refinance and a HELOC depends on your individual financial situation and goals. Consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, tax implications, and your need for flexibility in accessing funds.

HELOC vs. Second Mortgage: Which is Better?

A HELOC is a flexible line of credit secured by your home's equity. It allows you to withdraw funds as needed, while a second mortgage is a lump-sum loan also secured by your home's equity.

Do You Pay Taxes On Cash-Out Refinance?

A Cash-Out Refinance is a financing method that allows homeowners to tap into their home equity by refinancing their current mortgage for a more significant sum of money. The homeowners receive the difference between the new and original mortgage in cash and can use it as they wish.

How low will your payment be?