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About Ashley Cantley

Ashley Cantley

Ashley Cantley

Staff Writer, New American Funding

Ashley is a staff writer at New American Funding. She brings two decades of experience to her role at NAF, having written scripts for Emmy Award-winning television shows, a best-selling book published by Workman, entertainment articles and personal essays for major national magazines, and TV commercial campaigns for well-known home brands.

Posts by Ashley Cantley

Innovative Solutions to Homeownership Disparities: A Close-Up on New American Funding's Strategies

Homeownership remains a cornerstone of the American dream. Although disparities in access to homeownership continue to persist, efforts are underway to address these inequalities.

House Hunting Checklist

This comprehensive house-hunting checklist will guide you every step of the way, helping you navigate this journey smoothly. From preparing for property viewings to making the most of open house visits, this is your how-to.

Homeownership as a Pillar of Wealth: Strategies for Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

For many in historically underrepresented communities, the dream of homeownership—and the financial security and wealth it can build—remains elusive due to longstanding barriers. But here's the good news: actionable strategies and resources can help bridge the gap.

The Evolution of the New American Funding Logo: From a Rising Star To a Mortgage Icon

The New American Funding (NAF) logo has undergone a transformation that mirrors our company's journey. It symbolizes our commitment to service, integrity, and innovation.

How New Real Estate Commission Rules Could Affect First-Time Buyers

With "commission decoupling," buyers and sellers will now shoulder the responsibility for their respective agents' fees. This change will create a new financial landscape.

Mosi Gatling Breaks Barriers for Fair Housing Month

Embrace education and trusted partnerships to navigate homeownership, with Mosi Gatling's guidance for breaking down barriers during Fair Housing Month.

Are VA Loans Assumable?

Explore the benefits of VA loans with assumable options. Save time and money when transferring homeownership. Learn more now!

7 Documents You Need When Applying for a Home Loan

Having the right documents is crucial when applying for a home loan. Lenders require specific information to assess your eligibility and determine the terms of your loan. Read on to learn about the seven essential documents needed for a home loan application and why they are so important.

FHA-Approved Condo

If you're living in a bustling city or vibrant town and dreaming of owning your own home but have hurdles you're facing like low credit scores or limited savings, there are options for you. Condo living is a great option.

The NAF Goal Grant Story: Path to Homeownership

In the heart of vibrant communities across the nation, many individuals with stable jobs and savings still face the daunting financial hurdles of homeownership. The dream of providing a permanent home for your family often seems out of reach. The NAF Goal Grant program is here to change that and give hope to aspiring homeowners.

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