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Inclusive Lending

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and His Impact on Housing

Every January, as Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed, we at New American Funding are inspired by the enduring impact of this great leader, notably in the fields of housing and finance. On this day, we reflect on the progress achieved and the ongoing challenges in ensuring equitable housing for all. Dr. King's legacy serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of our commitment to these goals.

Historical Backdrop: Redlining and Dr. King's Crusade

Background: It's the 1930s, and the discriminatory practice of redlining is causing serious harm. Redlining is when banks, insurance companies, and other institutions deliberately avoid investing in or providing services to certain neighborhoods based on racial composition. This unfair practice, often marked by literally drawing red lines on maps to indicate areas mainly inhabited by minorities, results in communities being denied essential services like home loans and insurance.

Enter Dr. King. Dr. King's involvement in the Chicago Freedom Movement was more than a political statement. It was a mighty fight against longstanding injustices. The Fair Housing Act of 1968, which came into existence just a week after Dr. King's tragic assassination, wasn't just legislation but personal for countless families.

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The Long Shadow of Redlining

Redlining still impacts today. It's not just a thing of the past. The Brookings Institution found that homes today in Black neighborhoods are worth $48,000 less on average. Additionally, redlining has led to fewer opportunities for good schools and jobs in these neighborhoods, making it harder for people to improve their lives. It also contributes to health problems, as these areas often have less access to healthcare and healthy living conditions.

Significant gaps also still exist. For instance, as of late 2023, only about 45% of Black Americans own homes, compared to 74.5% of non-Hispanic White Americans. Along with homeownership rates, other areas highlight these ongoing disparities. For example, research shows that minority neighborhoods still face challenges in getting home improvement loans, affecting their ability to maintain and increase the value of their properties.

During his lifetime, Dr. King highlighted the importance of economic equality as a pillar of civil rights. His advocacy wasn't limited to just voting rights or desegregation; he understood that true equality includes equal opportunities in housing and finance.

The current landscape shows that while progress has been made since the Fair Housing Act – a direct result of Dr. King's activism – the journey toward complete housing equality is far from over.

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New American Funding's Commitment to Dr. King's Ideals

As the Senior Vice President of Multi-Cultural Lending at New American Funding, Caroline Isern is working to realize Dr. King's dream. Caroline states, "In our daily efforts at New American Funding, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and equal opportunities abound. As we honor Dr. King's legacy, let us rededicate ourselves to the principles of justice, equality, and community building. The NAF Dream Board continues to contribute to the positive change Dr. King envisioned, not just in our workplace but in the broader communities we serve."

Under Isern's leadership, New American Funding's initiatives like NAF Dream, which works to improve homeownership in Black communities, go beyond business tactics. They are part of a larger effort to close the homeownership gap and increase financial knowledge through community outreach, particularly for Black homebuyers.

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Keeping Dr. King's Dream Alive in Housing Today

In the past few years, Black Americans have worked hard to improve their chances of homeownership. A key effort is the Black Homeownership Collaborative, which started in 2021. Its goal is to help three million Black Americans become homeowners by 2030. This group includes more than 100 organizations like real estate companies, civil rights groups, large lenders, and government agencies. They use a detailed plan to help people buy homes and keep them. This includes advice on buying a home, assistance with down payments, making more affordable housing available, and ensuring that loans are fair.

These actions are a direct response by the community to longstanding problems in housing, demonstrating how committed and strong Black Americans are in seeking equity in homeownership.

Reflecting on Dr. King's Legacy

Each January, as Martin Luther King Jr. Day approaches, we are reminded of his significant impact on societal issues, particularly in housing and finance in the United States.

The Fair Housing Act, a large part of his legacy, shows how much he did to help with housing equality. We're still facing some challenging issues, but groups like New American Funding and many others are working hard to make his dream come true.

Keeping Dr. King's message in mind, we should keep pushing to make his vision of equal housing a reality. Dr. King wisely pointed out, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." This idea is essential when we talk about housing. We show our respect for what Dr. King stood for by making sure everyone gets a fair chance at owning a home. This way, we can honor his legacy by making a true difference in housing.



Staff Writer, New American Funding

In her diverse freelance journey, Karen has taken on various roles that greatly inspired and fueled her growth. From creating digital products for websites and content strategy, she remains dedicated to continuous learning within the industry. In her current role, Karen writes about housing and lending at New American Funding.