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Escrow in Mortgages: What You Need to Know

Buying a home is an exciting process with many moving pieces to consider along the way, including escrow accounts. An escrow account is a separate account set up by a neutral third party to hold funds related to a real estate transaction. These funds are used to pay for various costs associated with the sale, such as taxes, insurance, and sometimes closing costs. Understanding how escrow accounts work and their advantages and disadvantages can help you make informed decisions throughout the homebuying process. This guide will provide all the information you need about mortgage escrow, including how they work, who manages them, and the benefits and drawbacks of having one.

What is Escrow in Real Estate?

Escrow accounts are important in real estate transactions. They protect the interests of buyers and sellers. These accounts, handled by neutral third parties, are safe places to keep money that will be used for different costs related to selling a property. One of the primary purposes of an escrow account is to hold earnest money, an amount of money deposited by the buyer as a good-faith gesture of their intent to purchase the property. This amount is typically a percentage of the purchase price and demonstrates the buyer's commitment to the transaction.

Property taxes, another crucial component handled through escrow accounts, are the regular payments made to the local government for the upkeep of public services such as schools, roads, and infrastructure. Escrow accounts ensure that these payments are made promptly and accurately, avoiding potential complications or delays in the property transfer process.

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How Do Escrow Accounts Work for Mortgages?

The lender typically sets up escrow accounts as part of the mortgage process. The borrower will make monthly payments into the escrow account, which will be used to pay for property taxes, homeowners insurance, and other expenses associated with the property. The lender will typically require the borrower to maintain a certain amount of money in the escrow account, which will vary depending on the loan amount and the type of expenses being paid.

The funds in an escrow account are used to pay for the following expenses:

  • Property taxes: These are taxes that the local government levies on the property.
  • Homeowners insurance: This insurance protects the property from damage caused by fire, theft, and other covered perils.
  • Mortgage insurance: This insurance protects the lender if the borrower defaults on the loan.
  • Private mortgage insurance (PMI): This insurance is required by some lenders for borrowers who make a down payment of less than 20% on the property.
  • Flood insurance: This insurance is required for properties in a flood zone.

The escrow account is a valuable tool that helps ensure that the borrower has the funds available to pay for the expenses associated with the property. By maintaining an escrow account, the borrower can avoid the hassle and expense of paying these expenses out of pocket.

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How is My Escrow Payment Calculated?

Your escrow payment is based on several factors, including your property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, and mortgage insurance (PMI) (if applicable). The amount of your escrow payment may vary from month to month, depending on the actual cost of these items.

To calculate your escrow payment, your lender will first determine the total amount of money needed to pay your property taxes and homeowners insurance for the year. This amount is then divided by 12 to get the monthly escrow payment.

If you have mortgage insurance, the amount of your escrow payment will also include the monthly premium. Mortgage insurance protects the lender in case a borrower defaults on their mortgage. The cost of mortgage insurance varies depending on loan size and credit score.

Your escrow payment may include other charges like flood insurance or homeowners’ association fees. You should contact your lender if you have any questions about your escrow payment.

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Who Manages an Escrow Account?

This section will discuss who manages an escrow account. Typically, the lender or servicer of your mortgage loan will manage your escrow account. However, in some cases, the borrower may be responsible for managing it. If the lender manages the escrow account, they will collect the monthly payments, pay the bills, and provide the borrower with an annual accounting statement. If the borrower manages the escrow account, they will be responsible for all these tasks.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both options. If the lender manages the escrow account, the borrower can be assured that the bills will be paid on time and that the account will be handled appropriately. However, the borrower may have less control over the account and may pay higher fees. If the borrower manages the escrow account, they will have more control over it and may be able to save money on fees. However, they will also be responsible for making sure that the bills are paid on time and that the account is managed correctly.

Ultimately, the decision of who should manage the escrow account is a personal one. Borrowers should weigh each option's advantages and disadvantages before deciding.

The Benefits of An Escrow Account

Escrow accounts offer homeowners a range of benefits, making them a valuable financial tool. One primary advantage is the potential for cost savings on monthly mortgage payments. By paying property taxes and insurance premiums in advance through an escrow account, homeowners can spread these costs over the entire year rather than facing large lump-sum payments. This can help smooth out monthly expenses and make budgeting easier.

In addition, escrow accounts provide a safety net in case of financial difficulties. Suppose a homeowner experiences a temporary financial setback, such as a job loss or medical emergency. In that case, the escrow account can help to ensure that essential property-related expenses continue to be paid. This can prevent the homeowner from falling behind on property taxes or insurance payments, which could lead to serious consequences such as tax liens or foreclosure.

Finally, escrow accounts give homeowners peace of mind, knowing that their property taxes and insurance are being paid on time. This can be especially important for homeowners who are not comfortable managing these payments on their own or want assurance that their responsibilities are being taken care of.

The Disadvantages of An Escrow Account

While offering several benefits, escrow accounts come with certain disadvantages that homeowners should be aware of before committing. One drawback is the potential for additional fees associated with maintaining the account. Banks or lenders may charge service fees, maintenance fees, or other administrative costs, which can add to the overall financial cost of homeownership.

Another potential downside to escrow accounts lies in the risk of mishandling or mismanagement. In some cases, errors or discrepancies in managing escrow funds can lead to a shortage of funds when it's time to settle property taxes or insurance premiums. This can result in unexpected financial obligations for the homeowner, including potential late-payment penalties or even legal consequences.

Lastly, escrow accounts often need more flexibility regarding modifications or withdrawals. Changing the terms of the account or accessing the funds can be challenging, usually involving stringent requirements and restrictions imposed by the lender or servicer. This limited accessibility to funds may not align with the homeowner's financial needs or circumstances, particularly in cases where unexpected expenses arise, or financial priorities change.

Consulting with a qualified financial advisor or real estate professional can provide valuable guidance in deciding whether an escrow account is the right choice for managing property-related expenses and ensuring financial stability.

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What is an escrow balance?

An escrow balance refers to the money held in an escrow account. This balance consists of funds set aside from monthly mortgage payments to cover future expenses related to the property, such as property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, and mortgage insurance (if applicable). The escrow balance makes sure that enough funds are available to pay these expenses when they become due, avoiding any potential late fees or penalties.

What is an escrow agreement?

An escrow agreement is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions governing an escrow account's establishment, maintenance, and operation. It specifies the parties' responsibilities, including the buyer, seller, lender, and escrow agent. The agreement details the account's purpose, the sources of funds, the authorized disbursements, and the procedures for handling any disputes or discrepancies that may arise during the escrow process.

Should I pay my escrow shortage in full?

Whether or not you should pay your escrow shortage in full depends on your financial situation and preferences. An escrow shortage occurs when your account balance falls below the amount required to cover upcoming expenses. If you have the financial means, paying the shortage in full can prevent any potential disruptions in paying your property taxes and insurance. However, if you are facing financial difficulties, consider discussing alternative options with your lender or servicer, such as establishing a payment plan.

How can I get out of an escrow account?

Getting out of an escrow account may be possible under certain circumstances. If you have consistently made timely payments and have built up a sufficient balance in your escrow account, you can request the cancellation of the escrow account. However, it's important to note that lenders typically require a minimum escrow balance to ensure adequate coverage for future expenses. Additionally, some states have laws that mandate using escrow accounts for certain types of loans or properties. It is recommended to consult with your lender or mortgage servicer to understand the specific requirements and procedures for canceling an escrow account.



Staff Writer, New American Funding

In her diverse freelance journey, Karen has taken on various roles that greatly inspired and fueled her growth. From creating digital products for websites and content strategy, she remains dedicated to continuous learning within the industry. In her current role, Karen writes about housing and lending at New American Funding.