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5 Tips for Moving Out-of-State

While the idea of moving to a different state may seem daunting, it really isn't too dissimilar from simply moving down the block – aside from the physical distance. Still, that doesn't mean the move will be easy. There's quite a bit of preparation that will need to be done ahead of time, just like any other move.

1. De-Clutter

One big consideration you'll have during the packing process is figuring out how much of your stuff you'd like to keep. When moving further away and especially to a different state, this becomes more important than ever. Take into consideration where you will be moving and where you are coming from – it's likely some of your belongings will no longer be needed in your new home. For example, if you're moving to the south from a colder region, you may not have much use for that winter coat anymore – is it worth taking with you?

Getting rid of unnecessary items will make the move easier as you'll have less to keep track of and less to carry.

2. Label Everything

Moving further away adds a lot of time to the moving process in general, and with that time it could be hard to remember what you packed and where things went.

Labeling boxes with some information about what is in them, and which room they should go in, will help you keep track of your belongings. You'll thank yourself for the extra effort at the end of the move.

3. Think About Your Pets

It's also important to consider any changes to animal regulations when moving to another state. Some states require more vaccinations than others, and different states have laws regulating who can administer these vaccinations. The American Veterinary Medical Association provides a comprehensive list of state laws for rabies and other vaccinations – it's worth taking a look at before you move across state lines.

4. Know Your Paperwork

Along with changing your address, you'll need to be prepared to update driver's licenses, tags and registrations, bank accounts, and pretty much anything else that identifies where you live. It'll make your life easier to do your homework ahead of time and know what goes into getting those things changed. Again, the law varies from state to state.

Check to see if your bank has locations in your new area – if not, it might be worth looking into different banks to make a switch.

5. Keep Valuable Items with You

This last tip is applicable whether you're moving across the street or the country – you're going to want to move your most valuable items yourself. While all of your other stuff will be safe with a trusted mover, it's always a good idea to keep a special eye on those things you care about most. Valuable jewelry, family heirlooms, a long lost piece of sunken treasure – whatever it is, hold on to it so you are sure it arrives at its new home safe and sound.
