
NAHREP Names New American Funding a Leading Mortgage Originator for Latinos

New American Funding placed 39 Loan Originators in the annual Top 250 Latino Mortgage Originators Report issued by the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP®), in association with RADIAN®. That total ranked No. 1 among all non-bank lenders for the 4th consecutive year.

“I’m so proud of this latest accomplishment,” said New American Funding President, Patty Arvielo. “I believe our outstanding ranking reflects our Latino Focus, which we started in 2013 to address the challenges that Latino consumers face in their pursuit of homeownership. New American Funding’s percentage of loans to Hispanics is roughly 25% compared to the industry average that is in the single digits.

“Furthermore, it shows how our Loan Originators have embraced our industry-leading mobile technology to provide their customers with a better loan experience, which continues to raise our entire team’s production.”

The Hispanic homeownership rate has increased for three consecutive years and access to affordable mortgage credit is essential for those gains to continue. While technology is improving the mortgage process, getting a mortgage remains one of the most complicated transactions most people encounter in a lifetime. Therefore, a qualified mortgage originator can sometimes be the difference between a successful purchase transaction and a painful experience.

"There is always a highly skilled mortgage originator behind the most successful real estate agents in the industry," said Daisy Lopez-Cid, NAHREP President. "The superstars in the NAHREP Top 250 are some of the best mortgage originators you'll find anywhere in the nation."

The Top 250 Latino Mortgage Originators Report was compiled through a self-nomination process reflecting total transactions closed during the 2017 calendar year, then validated by NAHREP through the nominees' respective companies. The report represents over $7.39 billion in combined sales volume in 2017.

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